Thursday 5 October 2023

Thursday 5th October 2023

Shoot Out

LO: To create an effective scene using basic filming rules 

Friday 8 September 2023

A Level Skills Development

 Friday 8th September 2023

A Level Skills Development

L.O: To research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief.


Genre conventions:

Style: Y2K clothes, full hair and makeup
Settings/background: block colour with details (contrast)
Colour schemes: Pink, red, purple, vibrant/neon
Font Styles: Bold and big
Images: Female model/artist, small background details, maybe art (inspired by Jamie Hewlett's style)
Genre: Alt pop


Layout Conventions:

Information Included: Artist/Band name, album name, song index on back
Size: Model takes up most of cover
Placement: Model/illustration dead centre of cover, writing at top
No. of images/colours: Small colour scheme, minimalistic


Thursday 14th September 2023

Band/Artist name: Cherrybomb
Album name: Get over it!

Track List:
Bite the bullet
Guess what!
Femme fatale
Botch job
Flip phone 
Off his rocker
Taxi backseat
Splurge, girl!!
Traffic light's on red!
Drugs in the discotheque

May-June 2024

Los Angeles- May 3rd
California- May 9th
San Diego- May 15th
Chicago- May 19th
Florida- May 26th
Las Vegas- June 2nd
San Francisco- June 10th

Thursday 5th October 2023 Shoot Out LO: To create an effective scene using basic filming rules